Publication Information
- Device : Ultra Bracelet
- Japanese : ウルトラブレスレット
- Type : Bracelet
- System : Multipurpose Weapon
- Usage : Multipurpose & Combat Support
- Users : Various Of Ultra Warriors
- Season : Various Ultra Series
Ultra Bracelet is a multi-purpose weapon that was used originaly by Ultraman Jack. It was later mass-produced for other Ultras. As revealed in Ultraman Zero The Movie: Super Deciding Fight! The Belial Galactic Empire, Seven forged the bracelet from the energies of the Plasma Spark. After a defeat from Bemstar, Ultraman Jack received the Ultra Bracelet from Ultraseven which has helped him even further. Taro also had his own Ultra Bracelet named Taro Bracelet, which later upgraded into King Bracelet by Mother of Ultra. Some time later, Zero, Seven's son was sent on a mission to investigate the source of the Darklops as he is given an Ultra Bracelet, or Ultra Zero Bracelet (personally named by Zero) which enables him to travel through dimensions.
Much like Ultraseven's Eye Slugger, the Ultra Bracelet was seen exploited by many enemies in the Ultra Series. Among them are:
- Alien Zelan : After successfully baiting Jack to duel his monster Plooma, Zelan took control of the bracelet via a remote controller after Jack turned it into Ultra Spark and tried to retrieve it. The weapon (as Ultra Spark) turned into a swarm of flying energy daggers and attacked Jack as the Ultra Crusader defended himself from his possessed weapon until it tried to constrict Jack to death. It wasn't long until MAT Captain tracked Alien Zelan and killed him with a shot, allowing Jack to regain control of the Ultra Bracelet and went away.
- Ace Killer : As part of the plan to eliminate Ultraman Ace, Yapool kidnapped four senior Ultra Brothers and had Ace Killer to stole their powers (among them were Jack's Ultra Bracelet). Ace eventually managed to kill the robot assassin with his brothers' help and return the bracelet to Jack.
- Ultra Spark : A miniaturized version of the Ultra Lance, it can cut down opponents easily.
- Ultra Lance : It can destroy monster in a hit. Ace Killer uses it in a similar fashion as Jack when he throws it to slice foes. But instead of slicing, it causes a large explosion on contact.
- Ultra Cross : A modified version of Ultra Lance with the blade part of it was replaced with a cross
- Ultra Defender : A shield which is powerful enough to deflect any attacks. It can also be used to freeze an enemy.
- Strange Light Mirror : Has the ability to weaken an ememy's mirage.
- Bracelet Needle : A harpoon-like weapon used to kill Vacuumon. The tip of it had been filled with a specialized venom.
- Bracelet Whip : A whip-like ability used.
- Ultra Fire Wheel : A fire-wheel attack.
- Barrier Ball : Used to rescue a falling man from hitting the ground.
- Reform : If ripped off or dismembered, Jack's Bracelet can help him reform back to his usual self
- Capacity Building : Empowering Jack's stamina, used to enhance his karate chop.
- Recharge : By aiming the face of the bracelet at sunlight, the user can recharge themselves.
- Bracelet Boomerang : A boomerang-like slicer similar in shape to Ultraseven's Eye Slugger.
- Ultra Super Ray : Rays shoot from the Ultra Spark. Magnetic Force Resistance :Allows Jack to be free from an enemy's magnetic force. It emits a yellow spiral ray from the Bracelet, to neutralize the magnetic force.
- Anti-gravity Beam : Emits a green spiral of light rays from the Bracelet, Capable of lifting an enemy into the air while Ultraman lifts him into space.
- Dam Damming Ability : Used during the battle with Magnedon to stop water in the dam from flowing out
- Bracelet Chop : A Left handed chop that strengthened the power of the bracelet. It was used against Gronken to chop his arms off.
- Water Evaporation Capacity : Heat is generated from the bracelet and evaporates the water to swamp water. After the end of combat, evaporated water has fallen to become a heavy rain.
- Bracelet Reflection Ability : Used to reflect the enemy's rays at them. It was used against Builgamo
- Bracelet Flash : Shoots intense light from the bracelet used to blind the enemy.
- Lazy Energy Absorption Capacity : Used to absorb the energy of laziness and shrink the target.
- Needle-Shaped Beam : Releases needle shaped beams.
- Chain of Light : Deforms the chain of light and tightens Ultraman.
- Cutting Halo : A flying rotary cutter of light similar to the Ultra Slash

- Main Article : King Bracelet
- King Bracelet is Taro's personal Ultra Bracelet. Originally the Taro Bracelet, it was upgraded by Mother of Ultra, after Ultraman Taro died.

- Main Article : Ultra Zero Bracelet
- Ultra Zero Bracelet is Ultraman Zero's version of the Ultra Bracelet (personally named by Zero himself) which is used by some Ultras, such as Ultraman Jack. Not only does it store the Ultra Zero Eye, but as Saga Brace, it also doubles as one of the three transformation items for Ultraman Saga.
- Ultimate Bracelet
- Dark Ultimate Bracelet
- Saga Brace
- Zoffy Bracelet
- Drew Bracelet
- Jack Bracelet
- Ultra Fusion Brace
- Bright Bracelet