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Ultra Zero Bracelet

The Ultra Bracelet, or Ultra Zero Bracelet (personally named by Zero), is Zero's version of the Ultra Bracelet used by some Ultras such as Ultraman Jack. Being that it stores the Ultra Zero Eye it also doubles as a transformation item.


In the wake of an attack from a trio of Darkops the Space Garrison discovered that the attack came from another universe. Since only one Ultra could be sent Zero volunteered to go seek out the threat. Before he left he was given the Brace by his father , it would allow him to transform three times in another universe. After his third transformation Zero was revived by the Shield of Baraghi (a type of Nexus of Souls similar to the one that revived Tiga in Glitter Mode) and received the power of the shield from Ultraman Noa upgrading the Ultra brace into the Ultimate brace.

Publication Information

Ultra Zero Bracelet is Ultraman Zero's version of the Ultra Bracelet which is used by some Ultras, such as Ultraman Jack. Not only does it store the Ultra Zero Eye, but as Saga Brace, it also doubles as one of the three transformation items for Ultraman Saga, with the other being Dyna's Reflasher and Cosmos' Cosmo Pluck.

Ultraman Zero The Movie : The Revenge of Belial

In the wake of an attack from a trio of Darklops, the Space Garrison discovered that the attack came from another universe. Since only one Ultra could be sent, Zero volunteered to go seek out the threat. Before he left, he was given the Brace by his father. It would allow him to transform three times in another universe. After his third transformation, Zero was revived by the Shield of Baraji and received the power of the shield from Ultraman Noa, upgrading the Ultra Zero Bracelet into the Ultimate Bracelet.

Ultraman Saga

During his mission to another planet Earth, Zero bonded with Nozomu Taiga, who was reluctant to become an Ultraman due to his past. The Ultimate Bracelet is worn on the man's left arm and is Zero's means of communications with his host. During Gomess (S) and Gubila's attack, Zero uses the Ultimate Bracelet and tricked his reluctant host into a forced transformation that rendered him 5 meters short. It wasn't until when they put aside their differences, allowing Taiga to perform a proper transformation. After Zero's death by Imago Hyper Zetton, the hopes of Asuka, Musashi and Taiga resonated, transforming the petrified Ultimate Bracelet into Saga Brace. In resonation with Asuka's Reflasher and Musashi's Cosmo Pluck, Taiga raised the Saga Brace to combine into Ultraman Saga, ending Alien Bat's reign of terror on Earth.

Ultra Zero Fight

As a result from their original fusion as Ultraman Saga, Zero gained the Mode Changes, based on Dyna and Cosmos' alternate forms. When Belial took possession of Zero's body, the Ultimate Bracelet turned black in response of being dominated by the former's lingering grudge. Once Zero acquired Shining Ultraman Zero, the bracelet was shown fused to his body.

Ultraman Geed

The Ultimate Bracelet was broken for during a previous fight with Ultraman Belial after losing to him as Ultimate Zero, forcing Zero to fuse with a human named Reito Igaguri for a host.

Ultra Zero Bracelet Version

Ultra Zero Bracelet

Ultra Zero Bracelet
  • Ultra Zero Bracelet
    • Energy Storage : The original purpose of the bracelet is to store enough energy from the Plasma Spark to allow Zero to transform at least three times in another universe.
    • Tether : The bracelet also served the purpose of showing Zero the way back to his home universe. Ultra Zero Eye storage: The brace is where the Ultra Zero Eye is stored when in human form.
  • Weapon Transformation : Reflecting the standard abilities of Ultra Bracelet, this model can also configure into weapons.
    • Ultra Zero Spark : Though not seen, Zero can changes Ultra Zero Lance to Ultra Zero Spark. Zero then throw it to enemies before back to Ultraman Zero. It is very sharp and mostly can cut through the strongest opponent. This one is briefly shown in Seven's grasp before he hand over the device to his son.
    • Ultra Zero Lance : Zero can summon an Ultra Lance from the Ultra Brace, Zero throws it through an enemy and continues until it returns to Zero. Originally the brace would transform into the lance but when it stored Noa's power the lance simply materialized.
Ultimate Bracelet

Ultimate Bracelet
  • Ultimate Bracelet
    • Ultimate Bracelet was obtained during Zero's battle with Belial using his third and final transformation, his energy ran out, but he was revived by the light of his newly gained friends and all the people fighting against Belial, both literally and in spirit.
  • In a dream like trance Zero met Ultraman Noa who gave him the Shield of Baraji and upgraded it to the Ultimate Brace.
    • Energy Conversion : After its upgrade the Ultimate Brace allowed Zero to convert the light in any other universe into energy and operated endlessly without limits.
    • Mode Change : Using the Ultra Brace, Zero can enter his Ultimate Form, Strong-Corona Zero or Luna-Miracle Zero and switch between them and his normal form. It also can merged Zero with Ultra Zero Bracelet to form Shining Zero.
    • Form Split : When pressed into a wall by Alien Bat, Zero split himself in two, one was in Strong-Corona Zero, the other in Luna-Miracle Zero. It is unknown if this was one time incident or if he can do again at will. This ability is based on Dyna Miracle and Cosmos Corona's ability to split into clones
    • Ultra Zero Eye storage : The brace is where the Ultra Zero Eye is stored when in human form.
    • Ultimate Aegis storage : The brace mainly stores the Ultimate Aegis and bring forth the armor when Zero needed it for interdimensional travelling. Once he used up the armor's energy, the gem on Ultimate Bracelet fades before it reignited once finished charging.
  • Weapon Transformation : Reflecting the standard abilities of Ultra Bracelet, this model can also configure into weapons.
    • Ultra Zero Lance : Zero can summon an Ultra Lance from the Ultra Brace, Zero throws it through an enemy and continues until it returns to Zero. Originally the brace would transform into the lance but when it stored Noa's power the lance simply materialized.
    • Ultra Zero Defender : Zero's version of the Ultra Shield using his brace. The shield can turn into the Ultra Lance and vice verse as they are the same object in different modes.
Saga Brace

Saga Brace
  • Saga Brace
    • Saga Brace is an ultimate upgrade born of a Nexus of Souls between Nozomu Taiga, Asuka Shin, Musashi Haruno, Ultraman Dyna, and Ultraman Cosmos. The Nexus revived Zero from his recent death and the six merged to form Ultraman Saga. The brace was an object of great power that was required for several of the fusion Ultra's techniques. It is also said to be the source of his energy.
Dark Ultimate Bracelet

Dark Ultimate Bracelet
  • Dark Ultimate Bracelet
    • Zero Darkness had a dark version of the Ultimate Bracelet that glowed every time he used his energy slash attack. Instead of being empowered by people's hope from multiverse, this one is empowered by Belial's lingering grudge as a spirit.
Ultra Zero Eye NEO

Ultra Zero Eye NEO

Ultra Zero Eye NEO
Ultra Zero Eye NEO along with the New-Gen Capsule Alpha and Beta
  • Ultra Zero Eye NEO
    • Users : Reito Igaguri
    • Version : Ultraman Geed Series
    • Transformation : Ultraman Zero
  • Ultra Zero Eye NEO is the evolved version of original Ultra Zero Eye that appear in Ultraman Geed Series
See Also: Related Post : Source : wikipedia / ultra.wikia
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