The Amadam is a stone embedded in the Arcle belt, the source of Kuuga's power and able to extend the lifespan of a person. Furthermore, an Amadam is present on N-Daguva-Zeba (N-Gamio-Zeda in the A.R. World of Kuuga) and Gouram.
Another Arcle (prototype) was also created but it lacks the Amadam which makes the user easily go berserk. Mika however, discovered it and wearing it thus becoming the second Kuuga. The Amadam was, as Sakurako Sawatari found in the Linto scriptures, powered by the user's will and would corrode a weak user. Gooma went berserk when an unrefined fragment of Daguva's Amadam was forced directly into his body. Gouram's Amadam reacts to Kuuga that if its master's will becomes clouded with power (referring to the ancient Linto inscription: "when the holy spring dries up"),
Publication Information
- Device : Amadam (Stone)
- Japanese : アークル
- User : Riku, Godai Yusuke, Yusuke Onodera (A.R. World)
- Rider : kamen Rider Kuuga
- Type : Kuuga's Power Source, Stone
- Status : Active
Related Post : Source : wikipedia / kamenrider.wikia