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Kamen Rider Necrom

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Necrom's forms are called Damashii, accessed using the Ghost Eyecons. He also bears a headpiece called the Persona, which gives off a glow effect with the rest of his body. The Persona changes with Necrom's numerous Damashii forms, as well as serving as a prefix title for all of the Damashii forms' helms.

Necrom Transient

Necrom Transient
  • Necrom Transient
    • Transient is the default pre-form armor of Kamen Rider Necrom. Like most pre-forms in the Kamen Rider Series, it is weaker than all of the other forms and exists solely as a transition stage of the armor to any given Damashii form.
  • Appearances : Super Movie War Genesis, Ghost Episodes 16-20, 22-26, 28, The Legend of Hero Alain, Ghost 29-37, 39-42, The 100 Eyecons and Ghost's Fateful Moment, Ghost 43-50, Truth! The Secret Of Hero's Soul!, Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider.

Necrom Damashii

Necrom Damashii
  • Necrom Damashii
    • Damashii : Necrom Damashii
    • Announcement : Tengan : Necrom! Mega Ulord! (Death metal music) Crush Invader!
    • Height: 204 cm.
    • Weight: 99 kg.
    • Punching power: 15.1 t.
    • Kicking power: 17.4 t.
    • Maximum jump height: 47.8 m.
    • Maximum running speed: 100 m. per 3.7 sec.
    • Senses :
    • Defense :
    • Finisher : Necrom Destroy, Omega Finish, Omega Finish/Spark
    • Armed : Gan Gun Catcher,
    • Appearances : Super Movie War Genesis, Ghost Episodes 16, 17, 20, 22-26, 28, The Legend of Hero Alain, Ghost 29-37, 39-42, The 100 Eyecons and Ghost's Fateful Moment, Ghost 43-50, Truth! The Secret Of Hero's Soul!, Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider.
  • Necrom Damashii is Necrom's default form. Accessed through the Necrom Eyecon, this form bears the Persona Dominator. Necrom possesses the Various Goggles, giving a near 360 degree field of view. Similarly to Ghost and Specter, Necrom possesses a sensory horn known as the Sweep Horn, allowing him to also perceive targets from within 8 kilometers, and allowing him to control nearby Gammas to do his bidding. While doing so, the Gamma act like zombies controlled by a necromancer.
  • Necrom's armor composition is created by Quantum Liquid, allowing him to liquefy and phase through attacks. He is also able to generate liquid tentacles for either attacking or grabbing purposes. As this is also a Gamma technology, Necrom can use it to create a bigger Gamma hole which allows other human-sized passenger to get in instead of Eyecon-sized individuals. He currently uses this after he was reduced to a simple human body by Adel.
  • Necrom's drawback is that it possesses a time limit to how long the user can remain transformed. The Vigilance Frame attached to the Sweep Horn of Necrom, alerts the user when Necrom's transformation is running low on energy reserves, with the suit losing its color, and the Mega Ulorder and the Eyecon in it turning black. Sacrificing Gamma Commandos can extend Necrom's transformation temporarily. If Necrom is not rejuvenated in time, the user is forced out of the transformation. Due to this, he must use any of the 15 heroic Ghost Eyecons as temporary placeholder until the Necrom Eyecon recharges again.
  • Alternatively, in the situation when he is fighting a Gammaizer, he can absorb the energy from the Gammaizer's attacks to recharge, giving him a temporary power boost. As revealed in episode 33, this form has a secret yet powerful technique which uses up all of Necrom's power and destroys the user in the process, along the lines of a self-destruct attack. Necrom has attempted to use it three times so far in the series, but was stopped for various reasons. It is also shown that if Alain doesn't use this technique properly, he is forcefully out of his transformation.

Grimm Damashii

Grimm Damashii
  • Grimm Damashii
    • Damashii : Grimm Damashii
    • Announcement : Tengan : Grimm! Mega Ulord! (Dramatic classical music) Fighting Pen!
    • Height : 204 cm.
    • Weight : 100.5 kg.
    • Punching power : 15.4 t.
    • Kicking power : 17.2 t.
    • Maximum jump height : 45.7 m.
    • Maximum running speed : 100 m. per 3.9 sec.
    • Senses :
    • Defense :
    • Finisher : Omega Finish
    • Armed : Gan Gun Catcher Gun Mode
    • Appearances : Ghost Episodes 16, 26, 31, 36, 41, 42, The 100 Eyecons and Ghost's Fateful Moment, Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider.
  • Grimm Damashii is Necrom's dark green author-based form based on the Brothers Grimm, known individually as Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, two late 17th and early 18th century German writers. This form bears the Persona Fairy Tale with the Monocular Guard BK faceplate. In this form, Necrom can use the G Pen on his shoulders for offensive and defensive attacks.
  • In this form, only Necrom's punching power which increased. All of his stats are reduced from his default form. Even his agility are lower than before. However, this could be looked up by the usage of G Pen that helps Necrom in mid-range fight. The G Pen also could snatch any escaping enemies. This form's finisher is the Omega Finish : Using the Gan Gun Catcher in Gun Mode, Necrom charges fiery energy from a normal Ghost Eyecon into the Gan Gun Catcher and fires a fiery blast at the enemy.
  • At first, Necrom forcefully used this form by subjugated it. However, he lost access to this form after Alain recovered his original body. When Alain couldn't fight for Makoto and Kanon's sake, the Grimm Damashii finally gave permission for Alain to use his power again.

Sanzo Damashii

Sanzo Damashii
  • Sanzo Damashii
    • Damashii : Sanzo Damashii
    • Announcement : Tenga: Sanzo! Mega Ulord! (Chinese music) Sai~yū Ro~ad!
    • Height : 204 cm.
    • Weight : 115 kg.
    • Punching power : 15.7 t.
    • Kicking power : 17.8 t.
    • Maximum jump height : 45.2 m.
    • Maximum running speed : 100 m. per 4.1 sec
    • Senses :
    • Defense :
    • Finisher : Omega Finish, Omega Ulord Sanzo
    • Armed : G Pen, Gan Gun Catcher in a bright green flash
    • Appearances : Ghost Episodes 18, 19, 37, 42, Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider
  • Sanzo Damashii is Necrom's Buddhist monk based form. It is modeled after Xuanzang, a Chinese Buddhist monk who lived during the Tang Dynasty in the 6th Century. He was famous for a 17 year holy pilgrimage to India and back, with said accounts of the pilgrimage later serving as the inspiration in the Ming Dynasty for the Chinese tale Journey to the West centuries after his death. This form bears the Persona Priest with the Monocular Guard NR. In this form, Necrom can use the Gokourin on his back for offensive attacks.
  • In this form, Necrom's punching and kicking power increase. However, his agility are lower than before and it's Necrom's slowest form. However, this could be looked up by the usage of Gokourin which can be used as a flying projectile for long range fight that can be controlled by Necrom at will. After unlocking Sanzo Damashii's full potential and earns his trust, he gains the ability to summon Wukong, Bajie and Wujing at will to fight with him.
  • At first, Necrom forcefully used this form by subjugated it. However, he lost access to this form after Alain recovered his original body. In episode 36, Alain is unable to use the Sanzo Eyecon's power, and he is sent by the Sanzo Hoodie Ghost into his Eyecon's world to be trained by his disciples, Wukong, Bajie and Wujing, so that he can not only earn his cooperation but also unlock his Damashii's true potential.
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Super Damashii

Yujou Burst Damashii

Yujou Burst Damashii
  • Yujou Burst Damashii
    • Damashii : Yujou Burst Damashii
    • Announcement : Yujou Kaigan : Burst! Ore ga Burst! Yujou Burst! Mitomete Miseru Ze! Omae no Tsumi Ō!
    • Height :
    • Weight :
    • Punching Power :
    • Kicking Power :
    • Maximum Jump Height :
    • Maximum Running Speed :
    • Senses :
    • Defense :
    • Finisher :
    • Armed :
    • Appearances : Kamen Rider Ghost RE:BIRTH: Kamen Rider Specter
  • Yujou Burst Damashii is the upgrade form of Necrom. This form is achieved when Alain's feelings of friendship has reached its apex, hence the form's name, Yujou Burst.

Other Damashii

Newton Damashii

Newton Damashii
  • Damashii : Newton Damashii
    • Announcement : Tengan : Ghost! Mega Ulord!
    • Appeareance : Kamen Rider Battle : Ganbarizing
    • Newton Damashii is Necrom's blue power-based form themed after Issac Newton, the renowned physicist and mathematician who was responsible for discovering universal gravitation, thus giving the world proof of the existence of gravity. Accessed through the Newton Ghost Eyecon, this form bears the Persona Dynamics helmet with the Face Fall Apple faceplate.
    • While assuming Newton Damashii, Necrom dons the Discovery Hood where he is armed with a pair of orb-like gloves that allows him to generate gravitational pulses for either knocking back enemies or weighing them down with crushing force. Alternatively, Necrom can instead use his gravity orbs as makeshift boxing gloves to deliver powerful punches. This form is normally used by Kamen Rider Ghost.
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Beethoven Damashii

Beethoven Damashii
  • Damashii : Beethoven Damashii
    • Announcement : Tengan : Ghost! Mega Ulord!
    • Appeareance : Kamen Rider Battle : Ganbarizing
    • Beethoven Damashii is Necrom's black, white, and gray piano-based form themed after Ludwig van Beethoven, the late 18th and early 19th century Viennese classical music composer who composed some of the most recognized pieces in classical music including the 5th Symphony. Accessed through the Beethoven Ghost Eyecon, this form bears the Persona Composer helmet with the Face Music Score faceplate.
    • While assuming Beethoven Damashii, Necrom dons the Symphony Hood adorned with the Destiny Tuner where he is able to create energy constructs of musical notes through sound and manipulate them in a manner similar to how a conductor controls an orchestra via hand gestures. This form is normally used by Kamen Rider Ghost.
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Himiko Damashii

Himiko Damashii
  • Damashii : Himiko Damashii
    • Announcement : Tengan : Ghost! Mega Ulord!
    • Appeareance : Kamen Rider Battle : Ganbarizing
    • Himiko Damashii is Necrom's pink shaman-based form themed after Himiko, the shaman queen of ancient Japan's Yamatai, back when the country was known by it's earliest known name, Wa, which was during the Yayoi Period, following the Civil War of Wa. Accessed through the Himiko Ghost Eyecon, this form bears the Persona Shaman helmet with the Face Magatama faceplate. This form is normally used by Kamen Rider Ghost when assuming Toucon Boost Damashii.
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Ghost Change

These forms are exclusively available to be simulated with Necrom in the Ghost Change toyline.


Ore Damashii

Ore Damashii
  • Damashii : Ore Damashii
    • Announcement : Tengan : Ghost! Mega Ulord
    • Ore Damashii is the personal Damashii of Kamen Rider Ghost.
Toucon Boost Damashii

Toucon Boost Damashii
  • Damashii : Toucon Boost Damashii
    • Announcement : Ippatsu Toucon! Yes Sir! Toucon Tengan : Ghost! Mega Ulord!
    • Toucon Boost Damashii is the evolved personal Damashii of Kamen Rider Ghost.
Grateful Damashii

Grateful Damashii
  • Damashii : Grateful Damashii
    • Announcement : Tengan : Ghost! Mega Ulord!
    • Grateful Damashii is the evolved personal Damashii of Kamen Rider Ghost. This form would be impossible to be accessed as Grateful Damashii can only be accessed via the Eyecon Driver G. As such, it can only be simulated via Ghost Change
Mugen Damashii

Mugen Damashii
  • Damashii : Mugen Damashii
  • Announcement : Cho : Mugen! Keep Going! Go, Go, Go! Go, Go, Go! Go, Go, Go! Gotta! Ghost! Tengan: Ghost! Mega Ulord!
    • Mugen Damashii is the evolved personal Damashii of Kamen Rider Ghost.
Specter Damashii

Specter Damashii
  • Damashii : Specter Damashii
  • Announcement : Tengan: Ghost! Mega Ulord!
    • Specter Damashii is the personal Damashii of Kamen Rider Specter.
Deep Specter Damashii

  • Damashii : Deep Specter Damashii
  • Announcement : Tengan: Ghost! Mega Ulord!
    • Deep Specter is the evolved personal Damashii of Kamen Rider Specter.
Dark Damashii

  • Damashii : Dark Damashii
  • Announcement : Tengan: Ghost! Mega Ulord!
    • Dark Damashii is the personal Damashii of Kamen Rider Dark Ghost.
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These forms are exclusively available to be simulated with Necrom in the Ghost Change toyline.

Napoleon Damashii

Napoleon Damashii
  • Damashii : Napoleon Damashii
  • Announcement : Tengan : Ghost! Mega Ulord!
    • Napoleon Damashii is Necrom's blue French army-based form themed after Napoleon aka Napoleone di Buonaparte, a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and led several successful campaigns during the Revolutionary Wars.
Darwin Damashii

Darwin Damashii
  • Damashii : Darwin Damashii
  • Announcement : Tengan : Ghost! Mega Ulord!
    • Darwin Damashii is Necrom's orange geologist-based form themed after Charles Darwin, best known for his contributions to evolutionary theory. He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors, and in a joint publication with Alfred Russel Wallace introduced his scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection, in which the struggle for existence has a similar effect to the artificial selection involved in selective breeding.
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