Publication Information
- Blade : Chalice Rouze Card
- Japanese : ラウズカード
- Version : Kamen Rider Blade Series
- Type : Cards
- Usage : Transformation & Combat Support
- Affiliation : BOARD
- Users : Hajime Aikawa / Kamen Rider Chalice
- HomeWorld : Earth (Main Timeline Continuity)
- Season : Kamen Rider Blade
Default Rouze Cards : ♥ Heart Suit

- ♥A : Change Mantis
- Avatar : Mantis Undead
- Announcements : Change!
- AP : 0
- Usage : Initiates transformation when rouzed onto the Chalice Rouzer.

- ♥2 : Spirit Human
- Avatar : Human Undead
- Announcements : Spirit!
- AP : 0
- Usage : Allows the Joker Undead to assume human form, also used to revert Chalice back to Hajime.

- ♥3 : Chop Head
- Avatar : Hammerhead Undead
- Announcements : Chop!
- AP : 600
- Usage : Enhances the power of karate chops.

- ♥4 : Float Dragonfly
- Avatar : Dragonfly Undead
- Announcements : Float!
- AP : 1000
- Usage : Enables flight (when the Chalice Rouzer is placed on the Chalice Arrow) or initiates transformation into the Dragonfly Undead (when the Chalice Rouzer acts as a buckle).

- ♥A5 : Drill Shell
- Avatar : Shell Undead
- Announcements : Drill!
- AP : 1200
- Usage : Enhances leg strength and power behind drill kicks.

- ♥6 : Tornado Hawk
- Avatar : Hawk Undead
- Announcements : Tornado!
- AP : 1400
- Usage : Supplements the next attack with elemental wind. Also used to fire an armor-piercing arrow

- ♥7 : Bio Plant
- Avatar : Plant Undead
- Announcements : Bio!
- AP : 1600
- Usage : Allows Chalice to use a Vine Whip for lashing enemies or tying them up.

- ♥8 : Reflect Moth
- Avatar : Moth Undead
- Announcements : Reflect!
- AP : 1800
- Usage : Enables user to repel enemy attacks.

- ♥9 : Recover Camel
- Avatar : Camel Undead
- Announcements : Recover!
- AP : 2000
- Usage : Heals injuries.

- ♥10 : Shuffle Centipide
- Avatar : Centipede Undead
- Announcements : Shuffle!
- AP : 2200
- Usage : Enables user to reuse Rouzed cards.

- ♥J : Fusion Wolf
- Avatar : Wolf Undead
- Announcements : Fusion!
- AP : +2400
- Usage : Transforms Hajime into the Wolf Undead (when the Chalice Rouzer acts as a buckle). This form is often the "Jack Form" of Kamen Rider Chalice, though not explicitly.

- ♥Q : Absorb Orchid
- Avatar : Orchid Undead
- Announcements : Absorb!
- AP : +2000
- Usage : Replenishes AP

- ♥K : Evolution Paradoxa
- Avatar : Paradoxa Undead
- Announcements : Evolution!
- AP : +2800
- Usage : Triggers Chalice's ability to transform into Wild Chalice, once all cards of Heart Deck are collected.

- Wild Card
- Avatar :
- Announcements : Wild!
- AP : 19600
- Usage : A fusion of all cards in the Heart Deck. This card initiates Wild Cyclone attack. This card can only be rouzed with two Wild Slashers placed on the Chalice Arrow, acting as a "Wild Rouzer".
Rouze Combos:
Spinning Wave

- ♥3 : Chop Head + ♥6 : Tornado Hawk
- Chalice's signature card combo; The combo enables Chalice's signature spinning chop attack, coupling ♥3's "CHOP" effect imbued with the wind-attribute of the ♥6's "TORNADO" effect.

- ♥A5 : Drill Shell + ♥6 : Tornado Hawk
- The combo enables Chalice's spinning corkscrew kick, coupling ♥5's "DRILL" effect imbued with the wind-attribute of the ♥6's "TORNADO" effect.

- ♥4 : Float Dragonfly + ♥A5 : Drill Shell + ♥6 : Tornado Hawk
- This card combo enhances the "Spinning Attack" combo with the addition of ♥4's "FLOAT" effect .

- ♥3 : Chop Head + ♥7 : Bio Plant
- The combo allows Chalice to tie up his opponent with a vine, pulling them to him and chopping them. First used against the Centipede Undead.

- Wild Card
- Chalice's signature card combo while in Wild Chalice; enabling Chalice fire a high intensity beam from the Wild Rouzer. It can also be used to power up the Wild Rouzer for a powerful slash.
Chalice Rouzer

Publication Information
- Device : Chalice Rouzer
- Japanese : カリスラウザ
- Known as : Transformation Device
- Type : Transformation Belt
- Usage : Rider Transformation
- Announcement : Change!
- Users : Kamen Rider Chalice
- Season : Kamen Rider Blade
This Rouzer can be removed from the belt and used as a "brass knuckle" sort of weapon to enhance punches or inserted into the Chalice Arrow to use it to scan Rouze Cards without transforming into the Undead. When Chalice changes into his Joker form, the Rouzer turns green to match with Joker's colours. This green version of the Rouzer is also possessed by Kazuma Kenzaki after his mutation into the second Joker Undead.
Kamen Rider Decade
The World of Blade version of Chalice Rouzer is a Rider System created in order to transform into the form of the sealed Undead on their respective cards. Hajime Shijo used it with a Mantis Undead Rouze Card to transform into the legendary Kamen Rider: Chalice.

Chalice Arrow

Publication Information
- Device : Chalice Arrow
- Japanese : 醒弓カリスアロー
- Known as : Rousing Bow Chalice Arrow
- Type : Armament
- Usage : Combat Support
- Users : Kamen Rider Chalice
- Season : Kamen Rider Blade
The Chalice Arrow's default form can fire arrows of high thermal energy called Force Arrows by mimicking the motion of pulling on a bowstring and releasing, making the Sword Bow bend to stimulate the drawing effect. The Chalice Arrow is also among the various Rider Weapons used by Ganbarider in Kamen Rider Battle: Ganbarizing.
- Blade Mode : Is the form that Chalice uses while in melee-ranged combat, where the Chalice Arrow's Sword Bow blades are used with great effect. The blades are apparently high-frequency blades, with the vibration rate of 300 million times per second.
- Rousing Bow Mode : Is the form that combines the Chalice Rouzer with the Chalice Arrow, used as a means of compensation with a lack of B.O.A.R.D.'s Rider System. In this form, Chalice can scan Rouze Cards in the same fashion the other B.O.A.R.D. Riders can.

Publication Information
- Device : Wild Slashers
- Japanese : 醒鎌ワイルドスラッシャー
- Known as : Rousing Sickles Wild Slashers
- Type : Armament
- Finisher Announcement : Wild!
- Usage : Combat Support
- Users : Kamen Rider Chalice
- Season : Kamen Rider Blade
- Voice Actor : Fumihiko Tachiki
- Rousing Sickle Mode : Is the Wild Slashers' default form. It apparently has the mass of a diamond. Like the Chalice Arrow, the Slasher Edge blades on the Wild Slashers are high frequency blades that vibrate at 300 million times per second.
- Rousing Arrow Mode : Is the combined form of the Wild Slashers and the Chalice Arrow. It raises the destructive output of the Chalice Arrow by 1.5 times. This mode also allows Chalice to scan Rouze Cards
- The finishing technique with the Rousing Arrow Mode is the Wild Cyclone, where Wild Chalice combines all the Rouze Cards of the Heart suit into one Wild card, allowing Chalice to scan it and fire a beam of concentrated energy.

Shadow Chaser

Publication Information
- Device : Shadow Chaser
- Japanese : シャドーチェイサー
- Known as : Special Hyper Performance Bike
- Type : Motorbike
- Rouzer Cards : ♥6 : Tornado Hawk
- Base Model : Honda XR250
- Length : 208 cm
- Width : 83 cm
- Height : 137 cm
- Speed : 410 km/h
- Power : 420
- Usage : Transportation & Combat Support
- Users : Hajime Aikawa / Kamen Rider Chalice
- Season : Kamen Rider Blade
Shadow Chaser
- ♥6 : Tornado Hawk : Card with it use, once 'roused', the Shadow Chaser generates a high-gale wind barrier which properly defends against offending enemies.

Legend Rider Device:
Chalice Ring

- Main Article : Chalice Ring
- Chalice Ring which bears the likeness of Kamen Rider Chalice is exclusive to Kamen Rider Wizard's Wizard Ring toyline. When used by a WizarDriver wearer, it would be able to summon Kamen Rider Chalice.

- Main Article : Kamen Ride : Chalice
- Kamen Ride : Chalice : A Rider Card containing the power of Kamen Rider Chalice. Used by Kamen Rider Diend to summon Kamen Rider Chalice.