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Tiger Advent Cards

Advent Card BackKamen Rider AxeAdvent Card

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Tiger Advent Cards are the cards used by the Kamen Rider Tiger in Kamen Rider Ryuki and Kamen Rider Axe in Kamen Rider Dragon Knight (on this page, Ryuki lore is listed before Dragon Knight lore, separated by a "/"). In Kamen Rider Decade, a new Rider, Kamen Rider Abyss, also uses them alongside A.R. versions of the 13 Riders in the World of Ryuki.

Tiger Advent Cards


Advent Card
  • AP : 5000 : Summons Destwilder to attack his enemies directly.
Strike Vent

Strike Vent
  • AP : 3000 : Conjures up claws similar to Destwilder.
Freeze Vent

Freeze Vent
  • AP : 1000 : Freezes the opponent for a certain period of time.
Final Vent

Final Vent
  • AP : 6000 : Summons Destwilder for Axe's Final Vent. Destwilder drags the target across the floor and lets Axe finish his prey with a claw-based stab in the torso.


  • Destwilder
    • Origin : Earth (Mirror World)
    • Type : Contract Monster
    • Height : 245 cm
    • Weight : 280 kg
  • User :
  • Season :
  • Destwilder is the Contract Monster of Kamen Rider Tiger. Destwilder is a Mirror Monster that resembles an armored humanoid white tiger. He is mostly used to perform Tiger's Final Vent, which involves him dragging the enemy along the ground with his claw to Tiger who impales them.
  • Destwilder, along with all the other Mirror Monsters, was created by Yui's & Shiro's Pictures from their childhood. Destwilder first appeared with Tiger when he assisted Ryuki with two Monsters. Later in the Series, he was also responsible for the Death of Both Nakamura in the Alternative Form, Hideyuki who was using the Alternative-Zero Form and the weakening (which would later result in his death) of Mitsuru (Kamen Rider Imperer). He was also responsible for the near death of Asakura and later the near-death of Kitaoka. After Tojo was killed, Destwilder became rampant and ate a couple walking down a path and tried to attack a construction worker before he was intercepted and destroyed by Ren & Shinji.
World of Ryuki

In the World of Ryuki, Destwilder assists Tiger as Contract Monster in the Kamen Rider Trial. Battle Trial: Ryuki World

Video Game
  • Destwilder is one of four Contract Monsters who appear as a playable character in the Kamen Rider Ryuki video game.
Destwilder Vent Card

Destwilder Vent Card

  • Strike Vent : Tiger gets the Dest Claws gauntlets that resembles Destwilder's claws.
  • Final Vent (Crystal Break) : Destwilder will drag its enemy towards Tojo who will then impale the enemy on the Dest Claws.

Dest Visor

Dest Visor
  • Dest Visor
    • The White Summoning Ax Dest Visor is an axe resembling Destwilder's head used by Kamen Rider Tiger. It is used often when not using Advent Cards.
    • Device Voice Actor : Tsuyoshi Koyama
Dest Claw

Dest Claw
  • Dest Claw
    • Tiger's Strike Vent equips
Arms Claws

Arms Claws
  • Arms Claws
    • which he can use to hack and slash away at an enemy
Crystal Break

Crystal Break
  • Crystal Break
    • where Destwilder attacks by dragging the enemy on the ground towards Tiger, then he lands the final blow using his Dest Claw.

Ride Shooter Ride Shooter
  • Ride Shooter
    • Ride Shooter is a Rider Machine in Kamen Rider Ryuki and its American counterpart, Kamen Rider Dragon Knight. In Kamen Rider Ryuki, the Ride Shooter is a Kamen Rider's primary method of getting to the Mirror World and to the precise location of the Mirror Monsters.
    • Once a Rider would pass through a mirror or reflective surface, they would then be riding in a Ride Shooter as they were traveling through a portal to the Mirror World.
    • The Ride Shooter would then shoot out of the reflective surface in the Mirror World.
    • It can only be accessed by Riders that have completed their contract with their Contract Monsters
    • A Rider with a blank Advent Deck can still go through the mirrors and automatically assume Blank Form, but they are limited to where the Mirror Monster drags them in, and can only escape the Mirror World from the same point which they entered.
    • Ride Shooters are used by the Kamen Riders in the A.R. World of Ryuki as well, as seen when Ren Haguro, Kamen Rider Knight, uses one to enter the Kamen Rider Trial.
Related Post : Source : wikipedia / kamenrider.wikia
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