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Publication Information Eruba is a heirloom Madō Ring that belongs to Lord the Flash Knight; her current master is Leo Fudō. Eruba belonged to the Fudō clan and served for at least two (and likely many) generations under their family. She originally served under Gōki Fudō, the previous Flash Knight, until his death. Afterwards, Leo became the next Flash Knight and he became Eruba's new master.

Makai Chronicles

In the events of Makai Chronicles, Leo had decided to keep his knight status a secret; the Makai Order and everyone else only knows him as a talented Makai Priest and had him perform research & development within the senate grounds. During this whole time, Eruba would quietly remain within Leo's pouch until Sigma Fudō revealed himself.

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Madō Brush

Madō Brush

Madō Brush is a Madōgu which used by Makai Priest as their weapon of choice. Madō Brush is a calligraphy brush which the Makai Priests use for various purposes, mainly as a focus for channeling magical energies into whatever the wielder is working on. The hairs of the brushes are made from pelts of Spirit Beasts, giving them the unusual magic-channeling qualities. Like many magical artifacts, their powers can weaken over time.

Although many brushes are of the standard size of a traditional calligraphy brush with ornate decorations, there are nonetheless some odd ones. For example, Rekka's doubles as a flute or a dagger, Akaza's is oversized, wielded much like a large staff, and Ratess wields a two-pronged brush. Though usually seen to use and carry only one brush, Makai Priests can also have several brushes in their possession, such as in the case of Reo having several brushes stored in his suitcase.

Gouryuu (Colt)

Gouryuu (Colt)

Colt is a prototype Gouryuu. It was crafted by Leo in hopes to create more powerful tools in the war against Horrors. Gōryū are mechanical creatures that are used as enhanced combat equipment for the Makai Priests. Invented by both Reo Fudō and Sigma Fudō, it was the first mass-produced tool used to help make the priests more formidable in combat against the Horrors. For Sigma though, he used it as his personal legion of automatons to further his cause.

The Gōryū was invented from parallel research and development between Reo and Sigma. The twins worked the idea together as children and the two developed their own versions when they became accomplished priests. Both twins believed that developing such machines would not only enhance the capabilities of the priests, but it would ultimately find a solution to end the Horror threat.

Although different in design, the basics of its make are roughly the same. Both twins realized that the remains of Horrors left behind an energy that could be harnessed and can be used as an energy source. However, there were some within the order that had concerns over such technology as the units can become corrupted and potentially wreak havoc.

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Lord Armor

Lord the Flash Knight

Lord is a light purple Makai Armor that specializes in scimitar combat. Whoever wields the armor will take the title of Lord the Flash Knight. The armor once belonged to Gōki Fudō; it was inherited by Reo Fudō after his death.

Demon Compass

Demon Compass

Demon Compass is a sensory Madōgu for Makai Priests in the Original Series and Ryūga-verse. Based on the real life make of Chinese Taoist compasses, it's a multi-sensory spiritual tool that helps priests in search and detection missions. A magical compass, it's used primarily as a darkness sensor to detect horrors and dark energies within the vicinity. The compass comes in various sizes, but the most common ones are handheld portable devices for the user. Able to sense at great distances, the priest would focus their target and the compass would provide direction.

While the tool is meant for priests, it's not exclusive as a knight or civilian can master use of it with some practice. The compass can sense things beyond just darkness. So long as the target has an energy signature, the user can focus on the intended target and the compass will process the information and provide direction. It has been used to locate forgotten locations like a makai tomb and provide direction within a hidden forest.

Depending on the creator, some compasses have built-in shielding like Kain's umbrella. The sensor can even store information and create 3D for its users to review tactical data. However, the compass isn't a perfect tool. Barrier magic can be used to shield against compass sensory. Only when the magical protection is removed that a sensor can fully reveal information. Overall though, it is one of the most vital tools used by the Makai Order.

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Madō Bagua Tag

Madō Bagua Tag

Madō Bagua Tag is series of magical papers utilized predominantly by Makai Priests. It is also referred to as World Charm. Mado Bagua Tags are Madōgu in form of paper tags with a spell written on them. There are 8 types of tags used by Makai Priests in total.

Related Post : Source : wikipedia / garo.wikia
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