Publication Information
- Build : Evol-Trigger
- Japanese : エボルトリガー
- Version : Kamen Rider Build
- Type : Power-up Devices
- Users : Kamen Rider Evol Black Hole Form
- First Appeareance : Kamen Rider Build Episod 36 : Evolto Hunts the Stars
Evol-Trigger is a turbocharger-like device that allows Kamen Rider Evol to upgrade into his Black Hole Form. Paralleling the Hazard Trigger, it is inserted into a slot on the Evol-Driver above its Evolution-Charger. The Evol-Trigger is composed of the following parts:
- The Revolution Tank is the handle of the Evol-Trigger. It is filled with an active enhancing agent known as the Pandorizer Vapor derived from the Pandora Box that is able to draw out Evolto's original strength. This agent reacts with the components inside of the Evolbottles, turning them from a gaseous state into metallic components. During transformation, the Pandorizer Vapor, along with the Evolbottle components, are poured into the EV-BH Ride Builder, forming Evol's suit and armor.
- The Transcendence Meter measures the Trigger's level of reinforcement on the user, and the higher the reading, the more powerful the attacks are. It is also able to absorb enemy attacks, converting them into energy needed for the operation of the Evol-Trigger.
- The Evolution Switch is the red button located at the top of the Evol-Trigger which is used to activate it before use.
- The EV Ride Connector is the terminal which connects the Evol-Trigger to the EV Ride Port at the top of the Evol-Driver. Deploys the EV-BH Ride Builder during transformation.
- Used by Evol to destroy Mars, the Evol-Trigger was later sealed within the Pandora Box until Evol reclaimed it by re-opening the Box, with the Trigger having lost all of its energy. Evol was eventually able to recharge it by absorbing the attacks of Kamen Riders Great Cross-Z, Grease, and Rogue.
- Functioning similarly to the Hazard Trigger, Evol presses the Evol-Trigger's Evolution Switch to activate it before docking it on top of the Evol-Driver with the Cobra and Rider Evolbottles inserted, and cranks the lever to transform into Black Hole Form. It is currently unknown what would happen if it were used with other Evolbottles or Fullbottles.
- While in Black Hole Form, Evol can crank the Evol-Driver again to activate the Black Hole Finish
- The Evolution Switch can be pressed again to activate Feverflow mode. Cranking the handle after will then activate Black Hole Break.
- Black Hole Finish :This finisher has two variations:
- Evol spins rapidly as a miniature black hole is generated behind him. The black hole then compresses into halo-like rings of energy as Evol delivers a powerful flying kick to the enemy, sending them into the black hole which kills them after a period of time.
- Evol delivers a punch covered in purple energy that creates a small black hole upon impact.