Publication Information
- Orb : Orb's Zeperion Solgent
- Japanese : ゼペリオンソルジェント
- Version : Ultraman Orb
- Mode : Version 2
- Label : Game Mode
- Type : Video Games
- Body Features :
- Protectors : Like Tiga and Dyna, Orb has golden Protectors on his chest.
- Announcement :
- Ultraman Tiga! Ultraman Dyna!
- Fusion Up! Ultraman Orb : Zeperion Solgent!
- Together with the shining light!
- Assets :
- Usage : Form Changes & Combat Support
- Users : Gammers
- Appeareance : Ultraman Orb's Game Exclusive

Zeperion Solgent is Orb's form which uses assets of Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Dyna. This form's name is a portmanteau of Tiga's "Zepellion Ray" and Dyna's "Solgent Ray".
- Multi Flash Slicer : Orb flies into the air and spins. After spinning, he fires two energy arrows at the enemy.
- As part of the game's original function, players can also gain access to regular finishers used by the Ultra Warrior's components. This however must be set beforehand based on the card chosen.
- Zepellion Ray : Should the players choose to scan Ultraman Tiga's card number 1-004, 2-039, 3-038, 4-018, T-002 or P-002, Orb can perform Tiga's signature beam.
- Tiga Slicer : Should the players choose to scan Ultraman Tiga's card number 1-027 or 3-010, Orb can perform Tiga's ranged attack.
- Timer Flash Special : Should the players choose to scan Ultraman Tiga's card number 2-011 or 4-040, Orb can perform Glitter Tiga's finisher attack.
- Solgent Ray : Should the players choose to scan Ultraman Dyna's card number 2-005, 3-039, 4-019 or T-024, Orb can perform Dyna's finisher attack.
- Flash Cycler : Should the players choose to scan Ultraman Dyna's card number 2-033, Orb can perform Dyna's ranged attack.
- Dyna Slash : Should the players choose to scan Ultraman Dyna's card number 3-011 or 4-041, Orb can perform Dyna's standard cutting attack.
- Zeperigent Ray :
- Multi Flash Teleport :
- The Ultras used in each of Orb's forms share something in common with each other.
- Main Article : Ultraman Orb's Game Exclusive