Zaruba is a Madō Ring the Original Series, Ryūga-verse, and Anime Series. Zaruba is suggestively created by Makai Priest Amon. A sentient magical ring with attitude, he's the partner and confidant to Makai Knight Taiga Saejima.
Acting as his adviser, Horror detector, darkness tracker, and friend, Zaruba served within the Saejima Clan for at least three generations. After Taiga's death, he was transferred to Taiga's son, Kouga Saejima, and later to his grandson Raiga Saejima. A blunt and direct type, Zaruba has a smart mouth, often has a dark sense of humor and mock others for their bad decisions. He always like the point out the unpleasant side of things as a reminder of their duty as protectors and rubs it in when he's right.
Publication Information
- Garo : Zaruba Ring
- Japanese : 魔導輪
- Version : Garo 2011
- Type : Mado Tool
- Usage : Partner and confidant to Makai Knight Taiga Saejima.
- Users :
- Affiliation : Madōgu
- Season : Garo : Makai Senki
- Voice Actor : Hironobu Kageyama
- The full strength of Zaruba is unknown; throughout the series he's able to help dispel confusion, detect various spiritual energies, summon the Garoken, speak for the dead, temporary flight, breathes Madou Fire, detect Horrors, create parts of himself into a ring to help locate and detect Horrors, and see through illusions. His aid is not limited to Makai Knights, Kaoru once used Zaruba to guide her through the Crimson Forest back to the human world.


Gōten is a Madō Horse that belongs to Garo. Goten is a golden-colored Madō Horse with red mane. that like other Madō Horses, can enter and travel through other realms as well as assisting Garo in combat. Being enchanted sentient machine of battle, it displayed considerable physical attributes greater than even strongest normal horse as it can leap to great distance, able to stomp and kick enemies with superhuman forces that enable it to bring large Horrors to their knees, and possesses great durability.
Gouten's special ability is upgrading Garoke into 2 powerful forms, Fanged-Wolf Horse-Slaying Sword', large greatsword that can easily cut through superhumanly durable Horrors. Not only that, the greatsword can also be upgraded to its strongest form Big Fanged-Wolf Horse-Slaying Sword. Ever since creation of Makai Knight upon discovery of Soul Metal, Madou Horses were created as the titled knights' steed to increase the efficiency against powerful Horrors. This includes Gouten, who created for Makai Knight Garo for even the odds against incredibly powerful Horrors.


Appearing as a red wooden scabbard, it carries the golden triangular symbol of Garo; the scabbard itself is stronger than normal wood as it is capable of withstanding sword strikes without a scratch. Despite the change of its designs, it still retains the appearance of its transformed state. The mystical/magical properties of the sword makes it more powerful than regular swords. The blade doesn't dull compared to regular swords. As the weapon is made of soul metal, relative to the knight's skills, he can manipulate the weight of the weapon to increase or decrease it to in different situations to increase or minimize damage.

Madō Lighter

- Madō Lighter
- Madō Lighter is a special magical lighter carried by Makai Knights. It contains Madō Flames that is commonly used to detect and combat Horrors
- The Madō Lighter is a Gothic-themed tool that resembles a demonic eye. All madō lighters have a special piece of gemstone, it's energy source. It can be revealed by removing the outer casing of the lighter. The lighter requires maintenance by the Makai Priests from time-to-time or it can stall. The Madō Lighter also requires occasional refueling.
- Madō fire is blasted into the gemstone piece for refueling by the Watch Dogs' wolf statue. The Madō Lighter is often seen used to heal, open "Orders Documents" (see below), reveal disguised Horrors, and activate the Blazing Armament technique.
- In Ryūga-verse, Madō Lighters also serves as a means to detect Horrors. However, blazing armament doesn't seem to be a common feature when facing Horrors. While a version of it is used to enhance Garo in combat, there seems to be a clear degree of separation.
- A unique ability in in this universe is that the flames can be used for analytical purposes. When the flame is focused by a priest, the flames can reveal computational-like data for the user to understand their environment better.

Forearm Shield

- Forearm Shield
- Given to Ryūga by D Ringo, it's a leather forearm armor, enchanted with magical energy to repel powerful physical attacks.

- Flight Pelt
- Resembling two smaller brushes attached to a pelt, it gives the user temporary flight.

- Shurikens
- After the armor's shine was restore, it returned to it's original red for. However, the scabbard has since been modified with an extra layer of black covering in a diamond pattern, containing 3 shurikens