The Battle Nizer is a device used by Reionyx 's such as Rei and his sister Kate that allows its wielder to summon a monster through a system called MonsLoad. A Reionyx commands the monster, such that when the monster gets injured too much, so that the Reionyx has no choice but to call him back. However, the Battle Nizer has side-effect to hurting Reionyx as well.
Device Type
Battle Nizer

- Device : Battle Nizer
- Japanese : バトルナイザー
- User : Reionyx, Kate, Rei
- Usage : Store Up And Summon Monster
Neo Battle Nizer

- Device : Neo Battle Nizer
- Japanese : ネオバトルナイザー
- User : Rei, Grande
- Usage : Store Up And Summon Monster
Neo Battle Nizer is an evolved Battle Nizer used by Grande and Rei. It functions very much the same as the regular Battle Nizer but it can only be controlled by a powerful Reionyx and makes its monsters tremendously more powerful such as EX Modes.

Giga Battle Nizer

- Main Article : Giga Battle Nizer
Related Post : Source : wikipedia / ultra.wikia