Publication Information
- Build : GorillaMond
- Japanese :
- Version : Kamen Rider Build
- Label : Standard
- Alter Ego : Sento Kiryu / Kamen Rider Build
- Season : Kamen Rider Build
Build Drivers
In any form that uses the Gorilla Fullbottle, Build is armed with the Muscle Glove on his right arm for enhanced punching.
GorillaMond Form

- GorillaMond Form
- Japanese : ゴリラモンドフォーム
- Origin : Earth (World Of Build)
- Version : Kamen Rider Build
- Type : Rider Form
- Form : GorillaMond
- Alter Ego : Sento Kiryu
- Announcement : Gorilla! Diamond! Best Match! Are you ready? (Tropical rock music) Kagayaki no destroyer! GorillaMond! Yeahhh!
- Height : 189 cm
- Weight : 112 kg
- Punching Power : 25.9 t. (right arm)/15.8 t. (left arm)
- Kicking Power : 17.3 t. (right leg)/16.5 t. (left leg)
- Maximum Jump Height : 32.5 m
- Maximum Running Speed : 100 m. per 8.4 sec
- Weapons : BLD Prism Glove
- Appearances : Ex-Aid Episode 44, True Ending, Build Episode 2, Transformation Lessons: Kamen Rider Build Chapter, Build 3-4, 6.
- GorillaMond Form is Build's brown and cyan second Best Match form accessed from the Gorilla and Diamond Fullbottles, hence known as the Shining Destroyer. It is a Touto Best Match, and is themed after a gorilla and a diamond. In this Best Match form, Build is armed with the BLD Prism Glove on his left hand.
- GorillaMond shows an increase in power, as the Punching Power of Build is significantly higher than in RabbitTank, albeit with a slightly decreased amount in its left arm, but it lacks Kicking Power and agility compared to RabbitTank. His left arm can convert inorganic objects, or even weakened enemies, into diamonds. As a Best Match, this form's finisher is the Vortex Finish.
Gorilla Fullbottles

- Gorilla Fullbottles
- Used by Build to Best Match with Diamond and access GorillaMond Form. Extracted from the Strong Smash.

- Diamond Fullbottles
- Used by Build to Best Match with Gorilla and access GorillaMond Form.
- Build uses the BLD Prism Glove creates a gust full of diamonds and uses the Muscle Glove to punch them at the enemy. The diamond then creates a tornado that causes a human to separate from his/her Smash form, then Build punches the Smash inside the tornadoes, thereby defeating the Smash.
- Build stops an enemy's projectile attack in mid-air with the BLD Prism Glove, altering the projectiles' atomic structure into a diamond shield. He then punches the shield with the Muscle Glove, shattering it and sending the shards flying at the enemy at high speeds.
- Build uses the BLD Prism Glove to create a pile of diamonds, then punches it with the Muscle Glove, sending the diamonds flying at the enemy.

- GorillaSoujiki Form
- Japanese : ゴリラ掃除機フォーム
- Origin : Earth (World Of Build)
- Version : Kamen Rider Build
- Type : Rider Form
- Form : GorillaSoujiki
- Alter Ego : Sento Kiryu
- Announcement : Gorilla! Soujiki! Are you ready? (Funky music)
- Height : 189 cm
- Weight : 111.7 kg
- Punching Power : 20.7 t. (right arm)/5.7 t. (left arm)
- Kicking Power : 9.6 t. (right leg)/13.2 t. (left leg)
- Maximum Jump Height : 26.5 m
- Maximum Running Speed : 100 m. per 6.2 sec
- Weapons : Long Range Cleaner
- Appearances : Build Episode 3
- GorillaSoujiki Form is Build's brown and turquoise Trial Form accessed through the Gorilla and Soujiki Fullbottles, themed after a gorilla and a vacuum cleaner.
- In this Trial Form, Build is armed with the Long Range Cleaner on his left arm that can suck things in with high-velocity winds, and the Trash Converter on his left shoulder that stores what has been sucked in. As a mismatched form, this form's finisher is the Vortex Attack.
Gorilla Fullbottles

- Gorilla Fullbottles
- Used by Build to Best Match with Diamond and access GorillaMond Form. Extracted from the Strong Smash.

- Soujiki Fullbottle
- Used by Build to Best Match with Lion and access LionCleaner Form.

- GorillaRocket Form
- Japanese : ゴリラロケットフォーム
- Origin : Earth (World Of Build)
- Version : Kamen Rider Build
- Type : Rider Form
- Form : GorillaRocket
- Alter Ego : Sento Kiryu
- Announcement : Gorilla! Rocket! Are you ready? (Funky music)
- Height : 189 cm
- Weight : 115 kg
- Punching Power : 20.7 t. (right arm)/11.6 t. (left arm)
- Kicking Power : 13.5 t. (right leg)/13.2 t. (left leg)
- Maximum Jump Height : 32.5 m
- Maximum Running Speed : 100 m. per 9.1 sec
- Weapons : Space Ride Arm
- Appearances : Build Episode 8
- GorillaRocket Form is Build's brown and light blue Trial Form accessed through the Gorilla and Rocket Fullbottles, themed after a gorilla and a rocket. In this Trial Form, Build is armed with the Space Ride Arm on his left arm that can fly off as a rocket and ram the opponent, and let him fly. As a mismatched form, this form's finisher is the Vortex Attack.
Gorilla Fullbottles

- Gorilla Fullbottles
- Used by Build to Best Match with Diamond and access GorillaMond Form. Extracted from the Strong Smash.

- Rocket Fullbottle
- Used by Build to Best Match with Panda and access RocketPanda Form.

- Announcement : Gorilla! (Inorganic Fullbottle name)! Are you ready?
- As mismatched forms, the finisher is the Vortex Attack. These forms have yet to appear in any episode, movie, or special.
- GorillaTank Form
- GorillaGatling Form
- GorillaComic Form
- GorillaSyoubousya Form
- GorillaLock Form
- GorillaDensya Form
- GorillaLight Form
- GorillaRobot Form
- GorillaSmapho Form
- GorillaKeshigomu Form
- GorillaHelicopter Form
- GorillaWatch Form
- GorillaCamera Form
- GorillaTelevi Form
- GorillaMic Form
- GorillaCake Form
- GorillaReizoko Form
- GorillaUFO Form
- GorillaJet Form
- GorillaPyramid Form
- GorillaSenpuki Form
- GorillaSukebo Form
- GorillaMagnet Form
- GorillaBike Form
- GorillaEngine Form
- GorillaSensuikan Form
- GorillaDryer Form
- GorillaGold Form
- GorillaUSB Memory Form
- GorillaMedal Form
- GorillaParka Form
- GorillaGame Form