Publication Information
- Build : RabbitTank
- Japanese : ラビットタンクフォーム
- Version : Kamen Rider Build
- Label : Standard
- Alter Ego : Sento Kiryu / Kamen Rider Build
- Season : Kamen Rider Build
Build Drivers
In any form that uses the Rabbit Fullbottle, Build is armed with the Rabbit Foot Shoes on his left leg for increased jumping.
RabbitTank Form

- RabbitTank Form
- Japanese : ラビットタンクフォーム
- Origin : Earth (World Of Build)
- Version : Kamen Rider Build
- Type : Rider Form
- Form : RabbitTank
- Alter Ego : Sento Kiryu
- Announcement : Rabbit! Tank! Best Match! Are you ready? (Techno rock music) Hagane no moonsault! RabbitTank! Yeahhh!
- Height : 196 cm
- Weight : 99 kg
- Punching Power : 9.9 t. → 14.7 t. (right arm) / 17 t. → 25.2 t. (left arm)
- Kicking Power : 23.7 t. → 35.1 t. (right leg) / 17.8 t. → 26.3 t. (left leg)
- Maximum Jump Height : 55 m. → 71.5 m
- Maximum Running Speed : 100 m. per 2.9 sec. → 1.9 sec.
- Weapons : Drill Crusher
- Appearances : Ex-Aid Episode 44, True Ending, Build Episodes 1-2, Transformation Lessons: Kamen Rider Build Chapter, Build 3, 5-7, 10, 13 (flashback), 14, Heisei Generations FINAL: Build & Ex-Aid with Legend Riders, Build 15-17, Birth! KumaTelevi!! VS Kamen Rider Grease!, Build 21-25, 30, 42-43, Be The One.
- RabbitTank Form is Build's red and blue primary and default Best Match form form accessed from the Rabbit and Tank Fullbottles, hence known as the Moonsault of Steel. It is a Touto Best Match, and is themed after a rabbit and a tank.
- Being Build's most balanced form, RabbitTank is the Best Match form favored by Kamen Rider Build, despite being able to transform with any Fullbottles. The Rabbit and Tank Fullbottles are noted as having a particularly high synergy with each other and compatibility with various mechanisms, and thus RabbitTank is the basis of several upgraded forms Build can access.
- In this Best Match form, Build is armed with the Tank Roller Shoes on his right leg for kicking attacks, and can also act as a working tread to roll along on a flat surface.
Rabbit Fullbottles

- Rabbit Fullbottles
- Used by Build to Best Match with Tank and access RabbitTank Form. Gives the user increased agility and speed.

- Tank Fullbottles
- Used by Build to Best Match with Rabbit and access RabbitTank Form.
Build Driver finisher:
- Vortex Finish : Build dives underground to send a white energy chart flying up to the surface with the dotted line securing the enemy before leaping back up, and delivering a kick whilst riding the chart's line. According to Blood Stalk, this finisher has a Hazard Level of 3.2, and then 3.7 when Build attacks him out of anger.
Vortex Break :
Blade : Build channels the energy of a Fullbottle in his Drill Crusher and performs a powerful slash.
- Organic:
- Rabbit : The Drill Spiral Blade spins such that it creates an energy whirlpool before Build performs a red energy slash. Gorilla : The Drill Spiral Blade cloaks itself in an energy projection that bears a striking resemblance to the Muscle Glove.
Ninjya : Purple energy Drill Spiral Blades are projected and spin violently around the Drill Crusher
- Rocket : The Drill Crusher charges at the enemy and attacks like a rocket.
- Harinezumi : Build shoots white energy spikes at the enemy.

- RabbitSoujiki Form
- Japanese : ラビット掃除機フォーム
- Origin : Earth (World Of Build)
- Version : Kamen Rider Build
- Type : Rider Form
- Form : RabbitSoujiki
- Alter Ego : Sento Kiryu
- Announcement : Rabbit! Soujiki! Are you ready? (Funky music)
- Height: 196 cm
- Weight: 93.7 kg
- Punching Power : 7.9 t. (right arm)/5.7 t. (left arm)
- Kicking Power : 9.6 t. (right leg)/14.2 t. (left leg)
- Maximum Jump Height : 38.4 m
- Maximum Running Speed : 100 m. per 3.9 sec
- Weapons :
- Appearances : Build Episode 2
- RabbitSoujiki Form is Build's red and turquoise Trial Form accessed through the Rabbit and Soujiki Fullbottles, themed after a rabbit and a vacuum cleaner. In this Trial Form, Build is armed with the Long Range Cleaner on his left arm that can suck things in with high-velocity winds, and the Trash Converter on his left shoulder that stores what has been sucked in.
- This Trial Form gives Build the ability to absorb any elemental attacks using the Long Range Cleaner, and safely disarm the accumulated attack using the Trash Converter. However, this comes at the cost of all of his Ability Parameters being decreased from RabbitTank. As a mismatched form, this form's finisher is the Vortex Attack.
Rabbit Fullbottles

- Rabbit Fullbottles
- Used by Build to Best Match with Tank and access RabbitTank Form. Gives the user increased agility and speed.

- Soujiki Fullbottle
- Used by Build to Best Match with Lion and access LionCleaner Form.

- RabbitGatling Form
- Japanese : ラビットガトリングフォーム
- Origin : Earth (World Of Build)
- Version : Kamen Rider Build
- Type : Rider Form
- Form : RabbitGatling
- Alter Ego : Sento Kiryu
- Announcement : Rabbit! Gatling! Are you ready? (Funky music)
- Height: 196 cm
- Weight: 95 kg
- Punching Power : 7.9 t. (right arm)/8 t. (left arm)
- Kicking Power : 10.8 t. (right leg)/14.2 t. (left leg)
- Maximum Jump Height : 37.7 m
- Maximum Running Speed : 100 m. per 6.2 sec
- Weapons : Drill Crusher, Hawk Gatlinger
- Appearances : Build Episode 4
- RabbitGatling Form is Build's red and gray Trial Form accessed through the Rabbit and Gatling Fullbottles, themed after a rabbit and a gatling gun. In this Trial Form, Build is armed with the Hawk Gatlinger and Drill Crusher. As a mismatched form, this form's finisher is the Vortex Attack.
Rabbit Fullbottles

- Rabbit Fullbottles
- Used by Build to Best Match with Tank and access RabbitTank Form. Gives the user increased agility and speed.

- Gatling Fullbottles
- Used by Build to Best Match with Taka and access HawkGatling Form.

- Trial Forms
- Announcement : Rabbit! (Inorganic Fullbottle name)! Are you ready? (Funky music)
- As mismatched forms, the finisher is the Vortex Attack. These forms have yet to appear in any episode, movie, or special.
- RabbitDiamond Form
- RabbitComic Form
- RabbitRocket Form
- RabbitSyoubousya Form
- RabbitLock Form
- RabbitDensya Form
- RabbitLight Form
- RabbitRobot Form
- RabbitSmapho Form
- RabbitKeshigomu Form
- RabbitHelicopter Form
- RabbitWatch Form
- RabbitCamera Form
- RabbitTelevi Form
- RabbitMic Form
- RabbitCake Form
- RabbitReizoko Form
- RabbitUFO Form
- RabbitJet Form
- RabbitPyramid Form
- RabbitSenpuki Form
- RabbitSukebo Form
- RabbitMagnet Form
- RabbitBike Form
- RabbitEngine Form
- RabbitSensuikan Form
- RabbitDryer Form
- RabbitGold Form
- RabbitUSB Memory Form
- RabbitMedal Form
- RabbitParka Form
- RabbitGame Form